I really find something difference example of these method of Jpa Library.
But I can’t find about this.
So, I record what I meet today.
I am newbie of this JpaRepository and jpa data.
In version 2.0.0. of spring-boot-starter-data-jpa,
after extends JpaRepository from Service Class,
I saw findOne method get error.
So I find other methods.
getOne and findById.
getOne looks good and very similiar with things before I use JpaRepository.
I replace this with findOne.
But domain object doesn’t hold all variables(columns) properly especially subdomain’s object(@DiscriminatorColumn).
So… just use findById. and this will return optional object.
To get out the object, use get() method.
The findOne from JpaRepository interface is the method for QueryByExampleExecutor. So you need to pass the Example object to the method.